The Official Carl Palmer Global Web Site

Remembering Keith Emerson

Keith Emerson

I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of my good friend and brother-in-music, Keith Emerson.

Keith was a gentle soul whose love for music and passion for his performance as a keyboard player will remain unmatched for many years to come. He was a pioneer and an innovator whose musical genius touched all of us in the worlds of rock, classical and jazz.

I will always remember his warm smile, good sense of humor, compelling showmanship, and dedication to his musical craft.

I am very lucky to have known him and to have made the music we did, together. Rest in peace, Keith.

Carl Palmer
March 11, 2016

To everyone who posted such wonderfully kind thoughts and tributes following Keith's tragic death I would like to say the following:

I will deeply miss Keith and I want you all to know I will carry on flying the ELP banner and playing the great music with my band for many years to come.

We have lost a very talented and gifted musician but this great music will continue for a long, long time.

I will be looking at putting together a tribute show to Keith Emerson hopefully in June this year, and I hope this is something you will all want to come along and see to help celebrate his music.

This I feel, is the very least I can do to honour Keith's talent and musicianship in the best way I know.

Thank you again


© 2024 Carl Kendall-Palmer Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Content: Bruce Pilato / Pilato Entertainment  |  Curator (In Memorium): Tony Ortiz
Graphics: Mike Inns  |  Hosting:  |  Site Programming: John Arnold